Thursday, August 6, 2009

Response to August Blog #1

Mitt Romney's campaign ad is a vibrant example of how ethos, pathos and symbols create an effective campaing ad by appealing to our emotions and Romney's credibility. A great example of the aristotelian appeal, pathos, is when he states "Laws should be created by the people", its sayying that he believes that we should have and feel the real freedom america is known for. When he says he believes that "People are the strength of America", it makes us, people of America, feel as though we are the most important part of such an enormous and powerful counrty.

Secondly, Mitt Romney's campiagn also uses the arristotilian appeal of ethos. By using ethos it shows his credibility. His wife states that "He has sloved problems that some people thaught were impossible", signifying how important he is almost God like. The way the camera angle is pointed up towards him is as though we are looking up to him as a person and much more as a president. The music is majestic like making the people feel hopeful in him and makeing hi appear powerful.

Lastly Romney's ad is lush with hidden sybols that persuade us into voting for him in the future. The photograph where he is standing tall under the executive sign signifies what he can become and what he's capable of becoming. The Amercan flag in the background signifies his patriotism and all he wants to do for this country. Finally, the magazine covers show that he is well known and can be trusted by the nation.

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